Contact Us
Please use the contact information below to get in touch with any questions you may have. We endeavour to respond to emails within 24 hours. Alternatively, please call for urgent bookings or requests.
+61 478 075 815
218 Wiggins Road
Wattle Hill 7172 Tasmania
Driving Directions
From Sorell
Take the Arthur Highway east out of Sorell towards Port Arthur. 500 metres out of town take Nugent Road on your left and continue on this road for seven kilometres. Turn right on to Delmore Road and, after 500 metres, take your first left on to Wiggins Road . Continue along Wiggins Road for two kilometers and you will reach Luna Lodge Tasmania on your right.
From Hobart
Take the Tasman Highway from Hobart towards Sorell/Port Arthur. Turn left at the end of the Sorell bypass and take your first right on to Nugent Road. See the directions from Sorell above for how to find us from there.
From Port Arthur
As you head in to Forcett turn right on to Delmore Road. Continue along Delmore Road for 6.4 kilometres before turning right on to Wiggins Road (note that after one kilometre the road forks, keep left at the fork to stay on Delmore road). Continue along Wiggins Road for two kilometers and you will reach Luna Lodge Tasmania on your right.
From the east coast (Orford way)
As you head from Orford, Google maps will recommend that you turn off at Buckland and head towards Nugent. This road will take you on 30 kilometers of dirt road. If you prefer not to take a dirt road, simply stay on the A3 all the way through to Sorell. Time wise, this route is the same, if not faster. See the directions from Sorell above for how to find us from there.